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Resources on our site to help you, your family and your friends.

Your Financial Planner supplies you with more tools and resources than most others and at no extra cost.  Use them to improve your planning for the future.



24/7 access to website based tools you, your family (children as well), your friends, colleagues and associates can all benefit from. *

  • Latest News. Our articles are chosen from amongst 30-35 to ensure the best are included in our news updates. The range of topics covered has also been broadened to include insurance, bookkeeping, and health issues.
  • Comprehensive financial tools to help you understand your Personal or family Cash Flow position or simply complete a Budget or work on some Superannuation scenarios.
  • Research your questions at the ATO, ASIC, Centrelink and other relevant sites to better understand what happening in areas such as Superannuation, Employer responsibilities, Awards, Pensions, etc. Then discuss your questions with your Planner. Use eWombat for doing this research, type in keywords or phrases.
  • Your information is private and confidential and should be treated that way. Using Secure File transfer or a vault means your information and plans are encrypted when sent in either direction.
  • Portfolio logins. Utilise the ability to login to your Portfolio 24/7 to see how it is going compared to your Plans.
  • Online forms. More and more forms are now website based versions to save time and effort with printing and posting. By using such resources many Planners can also keep abreast of changes in your circumstances and this will always help them better plan your financial future.
  • ASX Prices and Charts. Many sites will have these resources to allow you to quickly see how the market is going and check any stocks you’d like a price on. All such information is, though, delayed by 20 minutes.
  • A stock ticker that displays 5 minute delayed information for the top 100 Australian stocks by market capitalisation.

* Not all services are on every planner’s website but most are.

General advice warning: This website contains information that is general in nature. It does not take into account

the objectives, financial situation or needs of any particular person.You need to consider your financial situation

and needs before making any decisions based on this information.

PRPIA Pty Ltd ABN 61 144 888 433
Corporate Authorised Representative
Charter Financial Planning Limited ABN 35 002 976 294
Australian Financial Services Licensee Licence number 234665
Principal Address: Level 10, 88 Phillip Street, Sydney NSW 2000

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